Community-Based Programs
Spaulding Academy & Family Services is a licensed Child-Placing Agency providing high-quality services to children, youth, and families. For over 15 years, we have provided Individual Service Option (ISO) Foster Care, In-Home Services and Child Health Support.

Spaulding Academy & Family Services is a licensed Child-Placing Agency providing high-quality services to children, youth, and families through our Community-Based Programs. This department consists of a licensing worker, masters level clinicians, case managers and family aides who work together as a cohesive team and are supported by our psychiatry specialists.
ISO Foster Care
Spaulding Academy & Family Services’ Individual Service Option (ISO) Foster Care Program provides foster homes for children and youth ranging in age from birth to 18 (unless it remains consistent with the contract to continue care beyond that age). We recruit, train, and license foster parents and provide support services based on the needs of the child and the family. Click here to read more about becoming a foster parent.
Spaulding Academy & Family Services’ services may include:
- Access to a team of specialists able to assist with a child’s transition to your home and towards permanency
- Treatment planning and case management
- Family therapy
- Medical, mental health, educational and recreational service coordination
- 24-hour resource on-call to respond to any crisis or emergency
- Crisis stabilization
- Monthly foster parent support group
- Coordination of respite for foster families
ISO In-Home Services
For over 15 years, Spaulding Academy & Family Services has served our community by providing ISO In-Home Services to children and families. These services may include:
- Case management
- Treatment planning
- Transportation and supervision for visits
- Respite care
- Crisis stabilization
Staff work with foster parents, birth families and pre-adoptive homes to develop a plan to transition the child toward permanency as well as provide resources to ensure that the child can maintain the skills needed to live successfully in the least restrictive community-based setting.
Child Health Support Services
Spaulding Academy & Family Services’ Child Health Support Services are designed for children and families in their own homes who are experiencing chronic neglect, children placed outside the home who need visitation and parent education in order to reunify, children and families with a moderate risk level and foster families who require support to ensure the success of the foster child’s placement. The frequency of contact and services is detailed in the treatment plan.
Services and support can include:
- Supervised visitation – which may include parent education around appropriate activities
- Functional supports – assistance with providing a safe and clean living environment
- Assistance with behavior management
- Nutritional education
- Connections to community resources
For more information about any of our Community-Based Programs, please contact:
Nicole Babineau
Community-Based Services Coordinator
phone: 603-286-8901 ext. 207
fax: 603-286-2457
If you are interested in learning more about becoming a foster or adoptive parent, please contact:
Carol Sanborn
Quality Assurance Coordinator
phone: 603-286-8901 ext. 203
fax: 603-286-2457